Visual interpretation of an extract of Tim Ingold's essay: Lines and the Weather.
"Life is a proliferation of loose ends. It can only be carried on in a world that is not fully
joined up. The very continuity of life – its sustainability, in current jargon – depends on
the fact that nothing ever quite fits. The world is not assembled as a jigsaw puzzle, in
which every “building block” slots perfectly into place within an already preordained
totality. If it were, then it could harbor no life at all."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ingold, T. eds. (2012) The Meshwork. In: Brouwer.J., Mulder.J., Spuybroek.L., eds.Vital Beauty:
Reclaiming Aesthetics in the Tangle of Technology and Nature.Rotterdam: V2_Publishing. pp.15.